Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cultural Understanding: Part Two - comment

I included this blog obviously for two different reasons. One because it completed the second part of my two part Cultural Understanding series, but also because it enabled me to explore several important course theories in the same blog.

These theories, namely the 80/20 rule and Chris Anderson’s ‘The Long Tail’ concept helped to define how cultural divergence has occurred, but also created a platform from which the application of these processes could be addressed.

Essentially the blog started with defining diversity, explained then how the 80/20 and long tail concepts explain this diversity trend and concluded with how the web 2.0 environment is taking advantage of this.

After this however, the blog moves to address the issues that arise with divergence, and the threats we face, based on social norms and behaviours of losing divergence with a social push towards convergence.

I would have liked to address how this could be overcome in a virtual domain, however did not at the time. In retrospect this would have added depth, but all in all this blog would have to be my favourite for overall content and depth of analysis.